Your CX Decision Intelligence Solution
Frequently Asked Questions
How much effort is it to get started?
It’s easy! We need 4 one-week reports of raw performance data from not more than 30-50 Agents, and then we do the rest.
What types of raw data are required to get started?
Primarily ACD, reporting structure, and agent activity.
How long does it take to get results?
Not more than 30 days to see your business like you’ve never seen it before.
How do I know if I qualify for a free trial?
Contact us to speak with one of our representatives to find out.
What will I see after you perform the free 30-day analysis?
You will see the cost and financial efficiency of performance across all channels, processes, and agents continuously for the 4 weeks of data you provided.
Oh boy. My org doesn’t need another tech stack...
Agreed! Layering in redundant tech or gathering more data won’t cut it. You need the financial equivalent of the data everyone already knows. That’s WiserOwl.
My CFO sets my budget. Even though we come up with proposals, finance ends up telling us what we have to work with. So, why do I need financial measures?
If you want to shift from prescribed budgets to negotiating your own, you need to be able to prove cost efficiency. How? With the financial facts everyone already trusts and understands, made manageable and easy to compare.
I already have financial measures...I just need to gather them up.
But does your org understand them? Do they solve for hidden variables for a complete financial picture? WiserOwl saves you from bad decisions caused by financial metrics that cannot be controlled.
I’m doing something similar to this already.
Okay, but if you’re off by only 1% financially…is that a lot? Just like missing a traffic light can snowball into a much longer commute, missing accurate financial facts can snowball into a whole string of misfortune.
How is seeing the money going to help me improve what I already have?
When you see the financial landscape of your CX ecosphere, you see root problems and clear solutions — all backed by financially fact-based terms. That makes you the one driving deliverable cost savings and improved CX.
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